まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 27-29 Portland to Lincoln City

6/13 Mon 80km 6h

Portland to McMinnville

ポートランドが素敵すぎて、そこにいる人たちが大好きすぎて、なかなか離れられなくなっていたが、Village Building Convergence で会った友人たちがLincoln Cityでキャンプをするというので、重い腰を上げて再び自転車にまたがることにした。

Portland was so wonderful, and I love the people here so much that I wished I could be there forever, but the friends who I met at the Village Building Convergence told me that they were going camping at Lincoln City, so I decided to ride my bike again.

Rosemarie and David took me to a delicious Japanese restaurant!


Rosemarie made a special oatmeal pancake for breakfast. It was so tasty and it filled up my heart and stomach.

Time for leaving…


When I was leaving, Ruth, who lives in the same community, showed up and told me she would join me riding through Portland. She is a kind and cool woman, and just came back from her bike trip in Europe.

Portlandを抜けるまで、Ruthは一緒に走ってくれた。ありがとう! McMinnvilleまではHiway99をひたすら走る。交通量が多く、特に景色もきれいというわけでもなく、 他に走るチャリダーもいなく、ひたすら孤独な旅路。

Ruth showed me the way through Portland. Thank you so much! The road to McMinnville was hiway99, which was a busy and lonely way with no cyclists.

途中でショッキングなメールが届いた。Lincoln cityで会うはずだった友人たちは、予定を変更して別の場所に行くという。目的を失ったわたしはしばし呆然とし、ポートランドにもっといれば良かったと後悔しはじめる。まだまだやりたいこと、会いたい人がいたのに。。

On the way, I received a shocking message from my friend that told me they changed their plans so we can’t meet at Lincoln city anymore. I felt so depressed, and started to regret that I left Portland because I still had some things that I wanted to do, and people that I wanted to meet..

何か他にモチベーションを上げるものはないかと思い、この辺りはワインが有名なので景色のきれいなワイナリーでワインを飲もうと決めた。そうと決めたら一気にテンションが上がる単細胞なわたし。 しかしそのワイナリーは激しい坂の上だった。。

I was looking for something else to motivate me, and I decided to have some wine at a nice winery. But, it was far up on a steep hill…


After a nasty uphill, an unpaved downhill came, and I fell down. It was a fortune that I wasn’t injured, but I gave up to go to the winery and eat something else that would fill up my broken heart.

おいしいものを食べていささか元気を取り戻したわたしはMcMinnvilleまで一気に進んだ。しかし、宿は高いし、キャンプ場はないしどうしよう。公園で寝るか、と思ったが、素敵なお庭のあるお宅を見つけ、2軒目の方に快諾を得てテントを張らせてもらった。 裏庭が我が家の3倍ほどあろうかという大きさ。

Empowered with the meal, I headed straight to McMinnville. But I had no where to sleep. Luckily I found a nice guy who let me camp at his backyard. His backyard was three times bigger than my house.

6/14 Tue 70km 4h McMinnville to Salmon River


I woke up with the heavy rain. If it rains hard, I’ll stop moving today and stay at a library. But the sunshine came out so I decided to leave.


I found a nice cherry tree on the way. Nice snack!!

雨宿り waiting for the sun

mayataroさん(@mayataro)がシェアした投稿 -


Salmon River RV Park was great! Hiker-Biker is $5 and they have a hot shower and a coin laundry!

今日は晴れたかと思えば土砂降りに見舞われたり、向かい風にやられてなかなか思うように進まなかったけど、偶然見つけたキャンプ場がすばらしいのできっといい日だ!管理人のおじさんにビールを売ってるところはないかと聞いたら、冷蔵庫から出してくれた!ありがとうおじさん♡夕陽をつまみにひとりで乾杯! さむいけど! I had a hard day with heavy rain and headwind, but I think it's a good day because I fortunately found a nice campsite! I asked the manager where I can buy a beer, and he surprisingly took one out of the fridge and gave it to me! Thank you so much!! And it's getting cold now!

mayataroさん(@mayataro)がシェアした投稿 -

6/15 Wed 17km 1h30min Salmon River to Devil’s Lake

今日はDevil’s Lake State Parkに宿泊。Bikerがいっぱいいてうれしい!明日から一緒に走ることになった!

I’m staying at Devil’s Lake State Park. With wonderful friends!!

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