まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


自転車旅のすすめ Why am I biking?




When I say that I'm on my bike trip, many people say, "You must love biking! " or "Do you often bike in Japan?" But the answer is no. I actually don't really like biking, and I don't know much about bikes.

So why am I on a bike trip? I was keep on thinking about that.

I like the people, scenery, and food that I meet through my bike trip.

人 People

自転車で旅をしようなんていう人はだいたいどこか変わっている。つまり変人が多い。わたしは変人が好きだ。そんな変人とたくさん出会えるのは自転車旅の大きな魅力である。 そしてそんな変人に興味を持って話しかけてくれる人もたくさんいる。他の観光客だったり、道路工事のおじさんだったり。普通なら接点がない人と話せるのは楽しい。warmshowersを通してもたくさんの素敵な出会いを得た。

People who travel on bikes are pretty much unique people, and I like meeting them. There are also many people who talk to us when we are on bikes, such as other tourists or even the road construction workers, who would otherwise might never had a chance to talk with. I also met many awesome people on warmshowers.

景色 Scenery


Cars and trains might be too fast, and it might take forever on foot, especially with heavy luggage, so the bike is perfect. You can stop whenever you like, and go wherever you want. You don't have to worry about running out of gas. You can feel how big the earth is, and you would feel so much fulfilled when you have reached your goal.

食べ物 Food

わたしにとって旅をする一番の楽しみは食べ物である。 食べ物はその土地に暮らす人たちの文化、歴史、知恵がつまっている。おいしいものに目がないわたしは新しいものがあればなんでも試したくなる。 自転車を1日漕いでいるととても疲れる。車で1時間の距離を、1日かけて走っていると、正直なんでこんな非合理なことをしているのだろうと思うことも幾度となくある。 その分1日の終わりに飲むビールは格別である。食べ物だってなんだって何倍もおいしく感じられる。そしてたくさん運動したあとだから、罪悪感も小さい。

My biggest interest in traveling is eating. Food reflects all the culture, history, and knowledge that has grown in that area. I love eating, and would always like to try something new. When I'm biking all day and could just barely move the same distance that a car could drive in a hour, I sometime feel so irritated and wonder why I'm doing it. But all the food tastes way better after a long day ride, and a bottle of beer makes you feel perfect and forget about all the hardship. And you also feel less guilty about drinking and eating after all that exercise.

人生の縮図 An epitome of life



A bike trip is sort of like your life. After a long steep uphill comes an exhilarating downhill, sometimes rainy and sometimes sunny. You can't do anything about the headwind nor the tailwind. When you come up to a fork, you would decide whether to go left or right (or maybe unpaved roads or to stay), and each decision leads you to a different destiny and what you meet. Biking is a training. But hills has a top and rain always stop.

So grab your bike and let's go pedaling :)

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