まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 87-89 Machu Picchu and the Inkas

8/13 Sat ついにやってきた、マチュピチュ! Machu Picchu at last!!

マチュピチュの麓、アグアスカリエンテスからマチュピチュまでバスで向かう。始発は5:30だが、4時に着くと既に長蛇の列が。先頭の人は2:30から並んでいたらしい。 我々はグループだったので交互に抜けて朝食をとることができた。 6時頃にようやくバスに乗り、6:30に到着。

The first bus to Machu Picchu leaves at 5:30am from Aguas calientes, but when we arrived there at 4, there were already hundreds of people waiting. We were lucky to be in a group, so that we could take turns to have breakfast. We finally got on the bus at 6, and arrived to the entrance at 6:30.

くもってる…ある意味神秘的? Cloudy...maybe mistic?


Our guide Yerik told us about the history and the culture of Inka.

クスコの町を中心に、北はエクアドル、南はチリまで約500年栄えたインカ帝国だが、スペイン軍によって滅ぼされ、インカの町は尽く壊されたが、この山の上にあるマチュピチュは発見されずに残った。 100年前に見つかるまで、ジャングルの中に埋もれていた。

When the Spanish army found the Inka, they destroyed everything but they couldn't find Machu Picchu which was located on the top of the mountains, and that's why it remained as it was until it was discovered 100 years ago. (It was a jungle)


Rocks were cracked by heating beneath by fire, or to make some holes and put a stick and make the stick swell with water. Then they smooth the surface with a harder rock. Incredible work...


Many llamas are in Machu Picchu. Llamas were raised not only for the wool and meat, but also the fat was used for medicine, and the bones for tools. They exchanged it with coca leaves and fish from the jungle.


We climbed Machu Picchu mountain. The stairs get super steep from the middle.


I think our 3 days high altitude training worked because we made it to the top in a hour -- half the time we expected. It cleared up when we got there and had a magnificent view.


下山後、はじめてアルパカを食べた。思ったほどクセはなく、牛肉に近いお味。 I had Alpaca for the first time in my life. It tasted like beef.

8/15 Mon ペルーも日本同様地震大国。クスコのウォーキングツアーに参加し、インカの人達がいかに地震対策をしていたかを学んた。 壁に傾斜を付けたり、下の方の石を小さくしたり、空間を設けて衝撃を吸収したり。 スペイン人が侵略してきた際に多くのインカ建築は崩されました。金を発掘するため、あるいはインカの人々の寺院を壊し、その上に自分たちの教会を建てるために。その昔大地震があった時、皮肉にも上の教会だけ崩れ、下のインカウォールはびくともしなかったそう。スペイン人が作った壁(壊したあとに修復した部分)と比較するとその差は明らか。一つの石を仕上げるのに10人がかりで4ヶ月、壁全体では15000人がかりで20年かかったそう。想像を絶する世界。

Peru is also an earthquake country like Japan. I joined a walking tour in Cusco and learned how the Inka people dealed with the earthquakes such as inclining the walls, putting small rocks beneath or making space to absorb the energy. Many Inka architecture were destroyed by the Spanish. They broke the walls to mine gold or to scrap the Inka temple and build their own church. It is ironic that when a big earthquake occurred, the church collapsed but the Inka wall remained totally fine. You can see how advanced builders the Inka people were, by comparison with the part that Spanish tried to rebuild.

It took 4 months for 10 people to shape one rock, and 20 years with 15,000 people working on a single wall. Unbelievable...

中央の部分がスペイン人が破壊したのち直したところ。その差は歴然。 The middle part is where the Spanish destroyed. You can see how it's different from the Inka wall.

12角の石 The twelve angle rock

まとめ インカ人すごい!

// カテゴリーの階層化