まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 98-100 Way to Rainbow mountain

8/23 Tue

道端で拾ってもらって、5日間お世話になったディエゴのお家を出発。 ありがとうディエゴ!

I left Diego's house after 5 days. Thank you so much Diego!!

ほとんど平らなのですいすい進む。 途中で5年かけて世界一周しているフランス人チャリダー夫婦に出会った。すてきだなあ。

It was flat as a pancake! I met a French couple on the way. They are traveling around the world.


Lucre seemed like a nice town so I tried to stay there, but I couldn't find a hotel so I had to go to the next town. I ended up biking nearly 100kms.


But this town only had one hostel, and it cost 30 soles... no other choice. I took a shower which never became hot, no internet, no breakfast, and the people were so noisy that I couldn't sleep well. I only had 5 soles and there were no places to eat, so I ate some tangerines and dry fruit that I had. Sad day...

cesararmendariz's Profile

8/24 Wed


I bought some water and I only had 1.5 soles left. I arrived to a town, Urcos, where I was relieved to withdraw my cash. I met a German couple there. They are also heading to the south.


It was not easy like the day before, because there were many hills on the way. I was eating lunch at a restaurant when the German couple came in. We biked together for a while.

16時頃に最寄のPitumarcaという町に着いた。クスコで出会ったロシア人チャリダー、デニスと合流した。彼はメキシコから走っているらしく、ニカラグアで強盗に遭い、身ぐるみ剥がされた挙句2週間入院するハメになったにも関わらず、まだ自転車で走っているというツワモノ。 これからしばらく一緒に走ることになった。

I arrived in Pitumarca, and joined Denis, a Russian guy who I met in Cusco. He is a tough guy who started from Mexico, got robbed in Nicaragua and ended up in a hospital for two weeks, but still on his bike. We are going to bike together for a while.

宿に到着してしばらくすると雷雨に。間一髪。屋根があるってありがたいことだ。 今日のホステルは10ソルなのにちゃんと温水が出る!貧乏旅をしていると生活レベルのハードルが下がるので、ちょっとしたことにありがたみを感じることができる。

Thunderstorm! Right after I arrived to the hostel. It's great to have a roof. The hostel today is only 10 soles but has a warm shower! I can appreciate many things when I'm traveling like this.

Andahuaylicias to Pitumarca on 08/24/2016 | CYCLING Training Log Entry | MapMyRide

8/25 Thu

ついにレインボーマウンテンへ! 夜明け前に出発しタクシーで1時間、そこから歩いて往復7時間。標高5100m。初の5000m突破。

I climbed the Rainbow mountain!! We left before the sunrise, took a taxi for a hour and hiked 7 hours round trip. The elevation was 5100m. It's my first time over 5000.


The thunderstorm yesterday seemed to be snow on the mountains, and I was so fascinated to see the contrast with the blue sky, until I realized, "maybe the Rainbow mountain is also covered with snow..." My worry turned into reality when a man who came from the other way said so.

それじゃレインボーマウンテンじゃなくてホワイトマウンテンじゃないか、と半ば絶望しつつ、せっかくここまで来たし、行くだけ行ってみることに。 幸い進んでいくうちに雪も溶けはじめ、頂上に着く頃にはなんとかレインボーぽくなった。赤、緑、黄色の各色はそれぞれ鉄、銅、硫黄が含まれているため。360度のパノラマビュー。レインボーマウンテンもさることながら、背後にあるペルーで2番目に高い山、Ausangateをはじめとする雪山もとてもきれいだった。

Oh nooo!! That's not a Rainbow mountain! That's just a white mountain!! I was so depressed, but we decided to go anyway. Fortunately, the snow started to melt and by the time we reached the summit, we could recognize the rainbow colors. The red, green and yellow colors each due to iron, copper and sulphate. It was a spectacular 360 degree view from the summit, and not only the Rainbow mountain but also the view of Ausangate, the second highest mountain in Peru, and the other mountains as well, were beautiful.


On the way back, the snow was gone and it was a totally different view. Even hard to recognize that it was a same route. I feel so lucky to see all the different sceneries in one day.


Today was actually just 100days since I left Japan. It became so special.

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