まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 123-126 La Paz to Jirira

日本からお菓子とおみやげをいっぱいもってひろちゃんがやってきた! ラパスの空港で合流し、自転車に荷物を積み込む。しばしラパスを観光してから荷物を載せてオルーロという町までバスで向かう。 着いたのが遅かったのでそのままバスターミナルの向かいの宿に泊まり、翌朝バスでチャヤパタまで。日曜日のせいかATMでお金をおろすのに一苦労。チャヤパタに着いたあたりからひろちゃんは車酔いと高山病のダブルパンチで具合が悪く、とりあえず少し休むことにした。チャヤパタの市場で野菜やパンなどを買い込み、5kmぐらい先に進むも、ひろちゃんは相当辛そう。道端にひろちゃんを寝かせ、薬を買いに町まで戻る。薬を飲んでもあまりよくならないのでそこから10km先のHuariという町まで行き、休むことにする。 Huariは小さいけれど人がとてもフレンドリーで、酔っ払いのおじさんに絡まれて一緒に写真をとった。宿を探していたところ、これまたフレンドリーなおじさんがオーナーの宿に泊まることに。ひろちゃんはそのまましばらく眠りにつく。わたしはひまなのでしばらくおじさんと話していたら、成り行きでごはんを作ることになった。 おじさんは今度ピザレストランをオープンするらしく、立派なアウトドアキッチンがあったのでそこでごはんを作っていると、ひろちゃんも回復した様子で、一緒に作った。

My friend Hiroko came all the way from Japan to join my bike trip! We met at the airport, and tuned up our bikes. After walking around the town for a bit, we took a bus to Oruro. It was already late when we arrived to the town, so we slept in a hostel in front of the bus terminal, and took another bus to Challapata the next morning. But Hiroko turned out to be sick with the altitude. I bought some food at the market, and we started riding but she looked very ill, so I let her lie down and headed back to the town to buy some medicine. She didn't seem to be better even with the medicine, so we decided to stay at the next town, Huari. It was a small but nice town with friendly people. I found a nice hostel and was talking with the owner while Hiroko was sleeping, and started cooking Japanese dishes. Hiroko got better after the rest and we cooked and had dinner together.

ひろちゃんは4日しかないのでHuariからSalinas de Garci Mendozaまでタクシーで行くことにした。そこからJiriraまでの道は深砂と石との闘い。自転車を押さないと進めなかったり転びまくったりしていたから30km進むのに半日かかった。 でもリャマやThunupa火山の景色に癒される。

As Hiroko only has 4 days to bike, we decided to take a taxi from Huari to Salinas de Garcí Mendosa. Salinas to Jirira was a tough road with deep sand and stones. We had to push our bikes and fell down few times so it took us half day just for 30km. It was nice to see many llamas and the view of Volcano Thunupa.


The third time I fell down, a guy on a motorcycle, Carlos, helped me. He said he'll also stay in Jirira, so I thought that he was also a traveler. When we arrived to Jirira, we were looking for a place to camp, when we met Carlos again. He told us that he knows a nice place to camp, so we followed him, and we arrived at a hostel. Carlos and his family were the owner of a hostel and salt hotel. We thanked him and tried to put out our tent, when it just started to rain, and he let us use the room. I can't believe how kind he is.


They are big family, with 8 people. Before I arrived here in Bolivia, everyone told me that the people are unfriendly, but all of the members were so friendly and warm hearted, full with love. I wanted to thank them, so I cooked Japanese dishes again. I'm glad everyone enjoyed it, and offered us to stay one more night and cook Bolivian food on the next day.


The next day, we went to hike Volcano Tunupa. I thought it was a easy hike for five hours round trip, but actually it was quite a tough one up to 4650m, 15km roundtrip. But it was totally worth it. The volcanoes were as colorful as the rainbow mountain, and the Sallar de Uyuni was so vast that you can't tell the border between the clouds and the Sallar.

途中までルナとチャトもついてきてくれた。 Luna and Chato led us our way.

夕飯はボリビア料理、Chalque de llamaというリャマの乾燥肉の唐揚げとキヌア。(料理と言っても肉を揚げるだけだけど。)この辺りでは昔からキヌアがよく食べられていて、カルロスもキヌアを栽培している。キヌアの粉を使ったドリンクはきな粉みたいな味がしておいしい。 夜は折り紙をしたり、ワインやSinganiというお酒を飲みながら、いろんな話をした。わたしのスペイン語はまだまだなので伝えたいことの半分も伝えられないけど、それでも最初の頃よりはずいぶんとコミュニケーションが取れるようになってきたと思う。 ありがたいことに今回もまた素敵な出会いだった。

For dinner, we had quinoa and fried Charque de llama (dried llama meat) . They eat lots of quinoa here, and Carlos has a huge field all for quinoa. I like the quinoa drink which tasted like kinako, a soya powder popular in Japan. We enjoyed origami and having wine and Singani. It's still difficult to express things in Spanish, but I think it has been better than the first days. I'm so thankful that I met them.

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