まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 158-159 Jujuy to Salta

Aldea Lunaをあとにして、MattiasとIlonaと一緒に久しぶりに文明社会に戻ってきた。Jujuyの町でピザとエンパナーダとビールで乾杯。ジャンキー。久しぶりの電気、インターネット、たくさんの人、車、肉、チーズ。たまにはこういうのもいいけれど、必須ではないよな。


I left Aldea Luna with Mattias and Ilona, and back to the civilization. We had beer with a junky pizza and empanadas. Electricity, Internet, many people, cars, meat, cheese, and so on. It's nice to have these things once in a while, but it's not necessary.


翌朝、それぞれ違う方向に旅立つ。わたしはおすすめされたMadre Tierraで野菜サンドとイチゴジュースを食べる。うわさ通りおいしい。


The next morning we all headed to a different direction. I had a nice meal at Madre Tierra which was recommended.






100km to Salta. It was very refreshing to go through a gentle slope through the mountains in a foggy weather. I fell down from my face because the curve was too sharp, but I was lucky again because I fell down not on the asphalt, but the soil part, so I hardly got hurt. I believe there is a guardian angel on my back.






After the forest comes a lake, and a geyser. It smelled like sulphate.






It was a nice path with different sceneries.






I bought a ham and cheese tortilla and a donut. It's very popular snacks here in Argentina.






And I finally arrived to Salta. I went through the plaza when a cyclist talked to me. His name is Juan, and he told me that he is cycling for a protest against cancer. 

Afterwards he told me that he also had a gastric cancer several years ago, and had a surgery. He is biking and making speech at schools and hospitals to show that you can still do things you want even after having cancer. When he ran out of money, he started to make postcards from the pictures he took and sell them on streets and parks. When I told him that I'm also running out of money, he recommended me to sell postcards as well. "And when you sell them, you're not just selling the postcards, but you're selling the story -why you started this, and how you felt when you were at the moment -." ,he said. I don't have such a big mission like him or my friend Masa, who is traveling on his bike and giving special classes to children, but I wonder if I can also do something. (And even if I can't make money, ) I'm just  so happy that people enjoy my blog and be encouraged or motivated by my trip.




I went to the hostel where he was staying, and we went out to have a drink with his friends, but it was already midnight and I was so tired after the 100km ride that I fell asleep. They were dancing until morning. I wished that I could go with them as well.






The next day, I headed to a plaza because I heard that you can eat a 30m pizza. It was actually 200m, but I gave up because they were so many people in line and I had a lomito instead.






I tried to look for a new tent but almost all of the stores were closed on Sunday. Actually here in Argentina, it is very difficult to shop even on weekdays because they have ciesta from noon to the evening. So I ended up buying a cheap tent at the supermarket. I think I'll get a better one in Santiago before I go to Patagonia. Then I joined Philip (a cyclist from Germany who I met in La Paz) at the campsite.




We we had mate, cooked lunch, and had beer. We will head south to Mendoza.




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