まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 202-203 Careterra Austral #3 La Junta to Coyhaique

12/5 Mon



I headed back from La Junta and headed south. I tried to leave early to get through before the road construction hour starts, but it was raining from last night and I ended up leaving around noon.






A pickup truck picked me up. They were sisters, and they were driving so fast like a roller coaster, and took me 20km. After that I couldn't get a ride so I gave up and rode to Puyuhuapi. I met a guy from Germany who was walking. I was impressed because it's even hard for bikes. I remembered Paul's words, "Why does everyone want to hurry to the destination? The process is more important." I understand that because biking is mostly the process. But sometimes I feel that maybe even biking is too fast. 




It was funny to know that after few days, he actually got tired walking and bought a bike.




I arrived in Puyuhuapi and had lunch. Fried fish with French fries and beer. The good thing about biking is that you don't have to worry about eating too much.









I left the town and went up the hill, where there were cars waiting for the construction to finish.

A French couple gave me a ride. They were so nice and the husband Tibo was a photographer, and he is going around the world to take photos of people. He asked to take my picture, and he asked me three questions which he always asks. "What was the biggest gift in your life?" "What makes you feel happy?" "What do you want to do in the rest of your life?"

it was interesting to hear that when he asks these questions, most people's answer is "sharing". People feel happy when they share.

Only few people can be happy in the competitive society, but everyone has a chance to be happy by sharing.


When I got off at the town, they gave me some pocket money again... What a surprise.




マニワレスにはcasa de ciclistaがあるという噂だったのだか、行ってみるとすでにオーナーの方は引っ越していて今はないらししい。仕方がないので近くのキャンプ場へ行くと、なんとチャリダーが8人もいた。そしてその中にはペルーで出会ったデニスやドイツ人夫婦も。74歳のアメリカ人チャリダーは「新しいひざ」でチャリに乗っているらしい。「自転車とおそろいのチタニウム製だ」と自慢していて笑った。


I arrived to Villa Manihuales, where I heard there is a Casa de Ciclista, but unfortunately there isn't anymore. So I went into a campsite nearby and met eight cyclists there, including the German couple and Denis, who I biked together in Peru. An 74 old year Cyclist from the US was biking with his "new knees". It was funny because he said his knees are titanium so that it matches his bike.



12/6 Tue



I need to weld my bike at the next town.


道は舗装路だが、アップダウンが多くてなかなか進まない。2:30時点で45km。やっと半分か。。と思ってたところにキャンプ場。一旦スルーしかけたけど、"organic vegetables" "homemade bread"という看板がどうしても気になって引き返す。


The roads are paved but with many hills, and I could only do 45km. I saw a camping with the sign "organic vegetables" "homemade bread" and I went in.





The owner Nacho gave me a tour. They are growing lettuce in the greenhouses.






After that he gave me a Mate lesson. It was interesting to hear all the stories and the metaphors they use.





They had a nice kitchen so I cooked Japanese food for myself.

When I was eating, Nacho came in and started to play the guitar. I ended up joining and having session with my nose flute.




He told me that he built this house and all the furniture a as well. I liked the lights which were made from tree aneurysms. I really admire people who can make everything by themselves, and want to be like that.






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