まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 279-281 Trinidad to Santa Clara


2/20 Mon


We arrived to Trinidad, and left our stuff at the Casa and went for a walk.

I was hungry so I had guaba and a fritura, which is like a pancake dough mixed with onions and pepper and fried.



Trinidad is famous for the colorful houses, and it is UNESCO world heritage. It´s a very picturesque town, but not many classic cars.




Fagotting is a special artwork in Trinidad, making a design by removing a string one by one from the cloth. 




 We went to Chamero´s casa to have dinner. The Korean girl we met in the tour told us about here, and it is very popular among Koreans.

Chamero served us Canchanchara, a alcohol drink, and langosta in three different kinds--tomato, grilled, and fried-- served with rice, soup, salad, and ice cream. He also made great mojitos. He is a very friendly kind guy.




It´s beautiful at night too.




Casa de la Musicaはオープンエアーのステージ上で演奏がはじまった。ほとんど観光客だった。そのうちステージの前でちびっ子が踊りだした。けっして上手いわけでもないのだけど、誰の目を気にするでもなく、サルサとか関係なく自分の好きなように踊っている姿を見て、なんだか微笑ましく、うらやましくもあった。ちびっ子につられるようにして大人たちも踊り出す。

In Casa de la Musica, started a band on stage. So many tourists. One of the kids started dancing in front of the stage. He was actually not so good, but it was charming and also envious to see him dancing from his heart, no matter who is looking or what they think. The adults started to dance as well.




Then we went to a bar “Canchanchara“ where we had canchanchara again. They also have live music here, and it was easier to dance because it was a small place and many people were dancing. I wanted to dance salsa, but it was mostly bachata.




 Tomorrow, we will start cycling at last!!



2/21 Tue

80km to the next town, Cienfuegos. I haven´t biked for weeks, but it felt much easier. No wonder why, because I left most of my stuff in Havana. I didn´t know that biking with less luggage is much more easier. And it is almost flat as a pancake! I think I can bike forever.







Many horses and sheep on the way. I also saw a baobab tree which I always have dreamed of to see.



There were so many dead crabs on the way. I considered taking it for dinner, but I gave up because it had a nice smell... I wonder where they came from, because there are no oceans or rivers near.




Many organic farms on the way. I heard that Cuba started organic farming after they couldn´t import oil from other countries, and I wanted to hear the reality, which turned out to be difficult with my poor spanish.



We had lunch at a restaurant in a small village 23k before Cienfuegos.




We arrived at Cienfuegos around 4pm.

There were many people eating chocolate ice cream, and I was watching them enviously and a man took us to the shop. We became friends with Omar, who was at the shop, and decided to go to the club later.f:id:mayataro811:20170320151213j:image



We stayed at the casa of a friend of the casa from yesterday. It seems like there is a big casa network. We left our stuff and walked to the sea to see the sunset.




We had dinner and tried to take a short nap, but woke up 10 minutes before the appointment with Omar. We sprang out and joined Omar and his friend, who is a bike taxi driver.






 We were planning to leave early because we have a lot to do tomorrow, but the club opened at 10pm. We talked as we drunk cuba libre.

One of the stories interesting to me was that many Cubans have no religion, as like in Japan. It surprised me because even the smallest town has a church. Omar said he used to go to the church every week when he was a kid, but he realized it doesn´t make difference whether to go or not because the god is inside yourself.

The music started at 11pm, but no one was dancing. It finished at 12AM, and finally the dance time began. We danced for a hour and went back. It was fun playing music and dancing as we drove back the bike taxi to our casa.



2/22 Wed

 Yesterday we only made it to the sea and the club, so we walked around the city. Cienfuegos is famous for there French colonial architecture.







We saw the artesans, had some snacks, and left at 10:30 to Santa Clara.

It was sunny in the morning, but it became cloudy and started pouring. I didn´t expect so much rain because I heard it is the dry season. We had some snacks on the way.



It was raining badly and the roads are so narrow and bumpy. I suddenly slipped on one of the bumps and fell down from my shoulder. Wooo, that hurted! 



We stopped at the Guarapera, to try sugar cane juice. The man was kind and gave me a towel because I was so muddy after I fell.




 There weren´t many hills but I was riding carefully because of the rain and my injure... but I stepped on a glass bit and had a flat, just 6km before the city. I fixed it, but had a flat again. I tried to pump up and keep on going, but it didn´t work so I asked my friend to wait for me at the casa and fixed it again.



 But when I arrived to the casa, my friend wasn´t there. She left to look for me. I also looked for her for a while, but decided to wait in front of the casa. There was a birthday party going on next door, and the asked me to join them. I told them that I can´t because I'm waiting for my friend, but I was so hungry that I eventually couldn´t say no. I felt guilty but the stew was absolutely delicious. I had some and decided to look for her again, and when I turned around the first corner, we met again. I felt so relieved. We joined the party again and had a great time. I guess I can sleep well tonight.



P.S. ちなみにわたしはカメラをなくしたため、この辺りから写真がほとんどありません。写真の多くはかすみちゃんからのもらい物です。ありがとう!

I lost my camera on my way, so I don´t have many pictures around here. Many of the pictures are from my friend. Thank you!!



Hostal Anita y Chamero



Pedro Zerquera 361B




Hostal Delia&Nelson



Calle 41 #6001B






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