まやたろの体当たり日記 Wanderlust


Day 127-128 Salar de Uyuni!!

まるで空の上を歩いているかのような幻想的な写真。高校生の頃に見てからずっと行きたかった憧れの場所。当時はまだほとんど知られていなくて、でもその後テレビや雑誌で取り上げられて有名になり、みんなが行くようになってから、ひねくれ者のわたしは興味を失った。でも今回南米を旅することを決めたときにはやはり外せない場所だった。写真で見た鏡張りの景色ではないけれど、あそこを自転車で走るなんて。あの頃のわたしは思ってもみなかった。 見渡す限りの白い大地。道などない。自転車がバリバリと塩を切り開いていく音だけが聞こえる。目をつぶって走ってみる。30秒後に目を開けても同じ景色。というか3時間漕いでも景色が変わらない。飽きるほど広大な大地は岐阜県と同じ大きさだという。地球は広い。 「何もないな、誰もいなーいなー」と奥田民生のイージュ☆ライダーを口ずさみながら走る。

I always dreamed to come here since I saw a picture of someone as if he were walking in the sky. At that time, when I was in high school, hardly anyone knew about this place, but as it become famous, it loosed my attention. I don't really want to go to places that everyone goes. But when I decided to do this trip, it was on my bucket list again. I would have never imagined being here on my bike as a high school kid. All you can see is a white surface. There are no roads. All you can here is the sound of salt broken by my wheels. I keep on pedaling with my eyes closed, and after 30 seconds, nothing changes. Actually nothing changes for 3 hours. The vast salt land is as big as Gifu prefecture in Japan. What a big planet...

定番のトリック写真 Trick photos


In the middle of the Salar, there is a island called Inkahuasi, covered with cactus. Many things are made from cactus. I didn't know that cactus was so strong.


Cactus flamingo in Carlos's salt hotel.


The circle of Japanese flag is so tiny.


The tourists on the jeep took pictures of us every time they passed by. I felt like being a movie star or a polar bear in the zoo. Not bad.


We camped in the middle of nowhere. It is the first time for my friend to camp, so she was so happy. So was I. We saw the sunset, and made "Uyuni salt ramen".


At night, the wind was so strong that I almost thought our tent will fly away. But the wind died at midnight so we had photo time.

そして朝食用に「ウユニの塩むすび」を作るも、ごはんの炊き加減を失敗して実に微妙なものができた。 塩だから地面に置いても大丈夫!

I made "Uyuni salt onigiri", but failed to cook rice... You can put it on the ground because it's salt!!


When we were collecting salt, a jeep stopped by to ask if we needed help, and they gave us water. Muchas gracias!!


This is the famous salt hotel, Playa Blanka. Everything including the table and chairs are all made of salt. We envied the people on the tour having delicious looking lunch while we ate rice balls and bread.


There is hardly any water because it's dry season now, but there was a spring.


Our long Sallar ride finishes at Colchani. I always thought that asphalt is messing up the nature, but I can't help appreciating how easy it is to ride on paved roads.


On the way to Uyuni, we saw vicuñas for the first time. Unlike alpacas and llamas, they are wild.

そしてウユニに到着! はじめはバテバテだったひろちゃん、最後はわたしが置いてかれそうでした。

And finally we arrived in Uyuni!

最後の晩餐。おいしかった。 Last supper. Yum!!


She takes a night bus back to La Paz. Thank you so much for coming!!

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