My update has been sluggish, due to my broken PC. I'll try to catch up with my wonderful days in Portland.
まずは今回滞在させていただいた RosemarieとDavid。2人ともわたしの母の友人の友人で、初対面のわたしをまるで家族のようにもてなしてくれました。ありがたし。
I was so lucky to stay with Rosemarie&David, who are my mutual friend of my mother's friend. They warmly welcomed me as if I were a member of their family.
そして彼らが住むCohousing community, "Cully grove"について。 Cohousing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cohousingというのはいくつかの家族が集まって住むコミュニティのことで、Cully groveには16軒の家、community house(1階がキッチン&ダイニング、2階がゲストルーム)、community gardenがある。その他にニワトリやアヒルを飼っていたり、子供が遊べるブランコやトランポリンが置かれていたりする。
They live in a cohousing community, "Cully Grove", where 16 families live together. I was welcomed to stay at a cozy guest room. They also keep chicken and ducks, and there is a tranpoline and a swing for the kids to play.
All of the houses has a 1500W solar panels and solar water heater, which covers up most of the electricity use, and preheats the hot water.
中央にはcommunity gardenやfood forestがあり、社交の場にもなっている。毎日のように収穫したベリーでスムージーを作ったり、レタスやスナックピーでサラダを作って楽しんだ。
A community garden and food forest is located in the heart of the community. We enjoyed picking berries and greens to make smoothies and salads.
They had a potluck party while I stayed. The kids and the adults were sitting at the same table, and talking about the same topic. I was impressed by the way they don't treat the kids as a kid, but respect them as a person. And if they do something wrong, the adults scold them no matter whose kid he or she is. I really like the way that the whole community is taking care of the kids.
And everyone here is so warm and kind. Whenever I'm picking the berries or maintenancing my bike, they always talk to me. I think that it's one of the ideal community, due to the size, and the high motivation and great personality of the residents.
わたしがパーマカルチャーやprimitive skillsに興味があると知って、Rosemarieは以前住んでいたcohousing communityやFarmer's marketに連れて行ってくれたり、友人であるConnieを紹介してくれたりした。これについてはまた後日報告したいと思う。
Knowing that I have a interest in Permaculture and Primitive skills, Rosemarie took me to many interesting places such as the Farmer's market and the cohousing community which she used to live, and also introduced me her friend, Connie. I'll write about that next time.