6/22 Wed
86km 5h40min Salmon Harbor to Elk Prairie
We started to do "Radio exercise", which everyone in Japan knows. Lisa seems to like it.
The first few miles was so flat and peaceful. There were many cows on the way.
In Japan, we say "You'll become a cow if you sleep just after you eat." and now I know the reason.
昼ごはんを食べる予定だったCresent cityに10時に着いてしまったので、次の町まで行くことに。そのあとの坂がめちゃくちゃキツかった。路肩もほとんどないし、傾斜もキツイし、何より長い。幸い道路工事で片側通行だったのが救いだが、もし工事中でなかったらと想像すると恐ろしい。下りキタ!と思いきやまた上りで、正直かなりイライラしていた。でも最後の坂は気持ちよかった。
We arrived in Cresent city at 10 o'clock, so we decided to move forward. The next hill was nasty. There were hardly no shoulders, steep, and long. We were lucky that the road work was going on so there was only one way traffic, that made us space but I can't imagine if it weren't. I was so irritated by the endless uphill, but the downhill was great.
下り坂で身体が冷えたので温かいものを、ということでTree of Mysteryというナゾの施設の向かいにあるカフェでお昼を食べた。店内は森と川底?をイメージしているようで、天井からアヒルの足が出ていた。
Going down the downhill chilled us up, so we went into a cafe in front of the "Tree of Mystery" to get something hot. The cafe was imaged to be under water, so duck legs were sticking out from the ceiling.
それにしてもTree of Mysteryのこの像がナゾすぎるんだけど、なんだかこわくて聞けなかった。。
The statue in front of "Tree of Mystery" was so much a mystery, but I was afraid to ask.
We bought some food at Klamath, and went up the hill. More and more redwood trees came up as we got close to the campsite. The last few miles were breathtaking. It's so amazing that the trees are standing here for more than thousand years.
今日はElk Prairieというキャンプ場に泊まる。野生のElkが見られるといいなあとほのかに期待していたら、なんといきなり遭遇!Wow!はじめてみたよ!興奮しすぎて2mぐらいまで近づいて写真を撮りまくったけど、人慣れしすぎていて全く逃げない。今思うと危険だったかと思う。よい子はマネしないように。
We stayed in a campsite called "Elk Prairie". I was hoping to see an Elk, and I was so happy to see it just after I entered! Wow!! I've never seen it before! I got so excited that I took pictures in few feet distance. They are so used to people that they don't run away. But thinking back, it was pretty dangerous so you better not do that.
I heard that Elk are delicious...
We also saw deer, rabbits, and birds. There are so many wild animals around here. We have to keep all our food in a "Bear box".
Water is valuable here in dry California, so the showers were ¢25/min. We found out a way to bubble up all the body and hair with the faucet, and rinse everything in a minute.
It was a great day again, but there is something missing...BEER!! There is nowhere to get a beer in the middle of the Redwoods. We had peppermint tea instead...
I cooked some cuscus with venison, tomatoes, and cheese. Yum!
I don't know if it was because that the shower was only a minute, or because we didn't have beer time, but everything is finished and it's still 8 o'clock. It's sometime good to get away from the internet.
Elk Prairie Campground 127011 Newton B. Drury Scenic Pkwy, Orick, CA 95555, USA https://goo.gl/maps/avPhjvnaGF42
Hiker-Biker $5 Location ★★★★☆ You can see the Elk and Redwoods. Get beer at Klamath!
Campsite ★★★☆☆
Service ★★★☆☆ Coin showers, no shops...