8/20 Sat
チンチェーロで3日間お祭りが開催されているというので行ってみる。la Fieraと呼ばれるそれは、Marine County fairに似ていた。牛、リャマ、羊に格付けがされていたり、乗り物があったり。どこの店もchicharrón という豚とポテトを揚げたものやChicha(トウモロコシの飲み物)を売っていた。 なぜか中心で女子サッカーの試合をやっていたが、今日はじめてボールに触りましたというような内容で突っ込みどころ満載だった。
I went to la Fiera in Chinchero. It was sort of like Marin County fair, as they had a competition for best cows, llamas and sheep, and had some rides. Many people were selling chicharron, which is a deep fried pork and potato dish, or Chicha, a corn drink. The girls were playing soccer games in the middle of the field, but it was funny because they seemed like they had never touched the ball before.
After the soccer game, I enjoyed watching all the boys and girls and also sheep dancing with the traditional music.
しかし何と言っても織物エリアに魅了されてしまった。民族衣装を身にまとったたくさんの女性が、それぞれ編み物、織物、糸紡ぎ、染色などさまざまな工程を行っていた。村によってそれぞれオリジナルのデザインや形があり、それを見るだけでも面白い。その世界にどっぷりとはまっていたところ、Centro de Textiles Traditionales del CuscoというNPOの女性が織物レッスンができると教えてくれた。予定よりも2日滞在が延びることになるが、迷わずきめた。楽しみで仕方ない。
But among the all, I was fascinated with the weaving area. So many women dressed up in there traditional clothing, knitting, weaving, spinning or dyeing the wool with natural dyes. Every village has its own design or different shapes. I was wondering through the area when a woman from a non profit, "Centro de Textiles Traditionales del Cusco" told me that I can take a weaving lesson. So excited to learn how to weave!
8/22 Mon 織物を習うべく再びチンチェーロへ。初心者なので幅の狭いヒモみたいなものを作るそう。 I went to Chinchero again to learn how to weave. I'm going to make something like a narrow tape because I'm a beginner.
First, you wrap the strings around the poles in figure 8. At this moment, all the length, width and color of the textile would be determined. You can wrap the border (the top and bottom strings on the picture) with the same color, but for the middle part, where you will have the designs, you have to tie two different colors together and wrap it around to get one for the back and one for the front. (Difficult to explain)
Then you put other strings to pull each color, and also one to put around your waist.
The first thing I learned was to just put the weft back and forth without making any designs. It turns out like stripes.
続いてTankaという貝殻を模した伝統的な柄を習う。見取り図を見ながら、必要なところは指で裏表の糸を入れ替え、その状態で横糸を通す。 糸が細いのでコツをつかむまでなかなかうまくいかなかったが、慣れてくるとたのしい。
The next is a traditional design called Tanka. You need to look at the pattern chart and switch the color strings with your fingers and than put the weft. It's difficult at first because the strings are so thin, but once you get it it's fun.
After lunch, I learned another design called Kuti. It's more difficult than Tanka because it's asymmetric and the pattern is longer.
I kept on weaving without a break, and I managed to finish it. My teacher said "muy bien".
The right is Tanka, and the left is Kuti.
I did it all day and I just got one and a half piece of tape. Furthermore, there are processes beforehand such as washing, spinning, dyeing and spinning again. I really admire all the effort for them to make the beautiful textile.
でもやっぱりものづくりは楽しい。これなら織り機がなくてもどこでもできるし、道具も簡単だし、やり方も覚えたし(たぶん)、日本に帰ったらぜひやりたいことのひとつとなった。 というわけでやりたい人はぜひ一緒にやりましょうー。たぶん来年になるけど。
But I love making art work. This is a nice way you can do it any where, and the tools are so simple. Now that I know the way, I think I'll work on it when I'm back in Japan.