8/26 Fri
Pitumarcaを出発し、Sicuaniに泊まることに。しかしなかなか宿が見つからない。結局宿探しに2時間以上かかった。 宿の女の子と仲良くなったがスペイン語が出来なさすぎてかなしくなった。6才の子の言ってることすら半分もわからない。がんばって勉強しよう。
We left Pitumarca and headed to the next town, Sicuani.
We had a hard time finding a place to stay.
I became friends with the girl in the hostel, but was sad to realize I couldn't even understand half of a 6 year old girl. I wish I could speak more Spanish. I have to improve.
8/27 Sat
We couldn't leave until noon because our laundry didn't come back, and also because there was a big market and busy traffic. But this was actually a fortune.
地図で見つけたAguas Calientesという地名。きっとここには温泉があるに違いない!との目論見通り、立派な温泉があった。日本のお風呂が恋しくなっていたのでめちゃくちゃ嬉しい。5ソルで入場できる上キャンプはただ!
When I found "Aguas Calientes" on the map, I was sure they had hot springs there, and actually they had a very nice one :) You can get in for 5 soles and camping is free!!
8/28 Sun
The next day I got up early to have the hot spring for myself!! The early bird catches the worm!!
Heating up Japanese Rice porridge for my stomachache.
So beautiful....
名残惜しくも温泉をあとにする。はじめの10kmの上りを終えると、爽快なダウンヒルが待っていた。 4335mのピークは同時にクスコとプーノ地区の境目でもあった。
After 10 km uphill was awesome downhill. The 4335m peak was also the border of Cusco and Puno region.
The town Ayaviri, which we arrived had a hot spring again!! And it was a strange one!!
I was wondering why everyone is on the edge until I went in...
真ん中は6m!! The middle is super deeeep!!
ひとり潜る気まんまんの三十路 ready to dive!!
潜ったけど何も見えなかった。。 ゴーグル付けてるのわたしだけでした。
I couldn't see anything... I was the only one wearing a goggle.
Thanks for the delay in Sicuani, we had hot springs for two days in a row!! We never know what happens!!