I met two girls in Salta, who told me about Amaicha - one of the few villages where the indigenous people still live. Unlike Peru or Bolivia, most people are white in Chile and Argentina. I was curious about the indigenous people, so I decided to take a small detour to the village.
In Quilmes, which is 20km before Amaicha, there is the biggest ruin in Argentina from the pre Columbian period. 6000people used to live here. It looks much more easier to build than the Inca ruins where the rocks are piled up so precisely that you can't even fit a blade in, but maybe it's a more efficient way. I was wondering why the walls are so low, and a guy told me that actually they digged the ground for 1.5m to make it like a basement. In that way it's more tolerant for the temperature difference and wind.
Cactus and the ruins. The people in higher classes lived above.
We arrived to Amaicha and camped in the campsite close to the center.
The next day, I was excited to see the traditional weaving, pottery, and crafts made from llama leather and cow bones.
I'm wondering if I can make similar things from deer skin and bones.
Making yarn with a thing like a sewing machine. They also use spindles like in Peru and Bolivia. Machines are more efficient, but you can use spindles where ever so both has merits.
Amaichaの人々もPachamamaを信仰していて、広場や家の前など随所に石が積んである。これはApachetaといって母なる大地(Madre Tierra)を現しているそう。ちなみにQuilmesの遺跡にもあった。
People here also believe in Pachamama, and there are many piles of stones in the Plaza or in front of houses. It is called "Apacheta" and it represents the Mother Earth.
その後20km南のSanta Mariaという町へ。ここには伝統的な織物を紹介する施設があり、見せてもらった。
I went 20km south to the next town Santa Maria, and there was also a facility which shows the weaving.
I love all these art crafts!!