2/18 Sat
We tried to leave when it started raining hard. We waited for the rain to get better, and headed to the cave museum. It's on the hill and you can see the whole town of Baracoa.
The museum supposed to be open at 8am, but it was still locked when we arrived at 8:30.
We gave up and walked around the city.
We went into a restaurant where you can have Calaru, a local dish. It said it was coconut soup but it tasted like a tomato soup. It was good though.
We took a taxi and arrived to Satiago. We stayed at Sandra´s (the casa owner of yesterday) friend´s casa. They were very nice and welcomed us with a fresh lemonade.
In the kitchen, they were making juice from tamarindo.
We went to a Cerveseria and ordered “Malta“. We didn´t know what it was, and my friend is a challenger so she ordered Malta con leche (with milk). Malta is a non alcoholic beer, but totally different from the ones in Japan. It is basically beer before you put the yeast and ferment it, so it is super sweet. It was too sweet for me, but my friend liked it.
サンティアゴはキューバ第二の街であり、キューバ音楽のメッカでもある。特にCasa de la Trovaは映画「ブエナビスタ・ソシアルパーク」のコンパイ・セグンドらを輩出した場所として有名。さすがは老舗。世界中から観光客が来ていた。音楽もダンスも最高に楽しく、その中でも一際輝いていたカップルが最後に一緒に踊ってくれた。そしてなんとサルサを教えているということで明日レッスンを受けることになった。楽しみだ!
Santiago is the second biggest city in Cuba, and is also famous for music. Casa de la Trova is a popular place where Conpai Segundo (from the movie “Buena vista social park“ used to play. The music and the dance was great, and one of the dancers danced with me. He said he was teaching salsa, and would give us a lesson tomorrow!!
2/19 Sun
The people here are so friendly. Everytime we pass by someone, they throw us a kiss.
We found Tamarindo juice on the way, It was very tasty.
7月26日革命博物館へ。ここはフィデルら革命軍が最初に襲撃した場所で、今も当時の弾痕が生々しく無数に残っている。この作戦は失敗に終わり、半分以上が犠牲になったが、これをきっかけに革命軍は勝利したので7月26日は今もキューバの革命記念日。街を歩けば至る所に26 de Julioが刻まれた革命軍の旗が見られ、マスコットキャラまでいる。
26 de Julio Revolution museum is the first place that Fidel and the gueliras attacked, and you can see there are still many bullets left in the wall. This command failed, and more than half of the soldiers died, but eventually led to the victory. July 26th is the Revolution day in Cuba, and there are many flags and even a character for it.
11時からサルサレッスン。基本から教えてもらう。basica, de li que no, en chufla, vuelta básica など。いずれも以前習ったことがあったが、完全に忘れていたのでありがたい。上手な人と踊ると自分も上手くなった気がして楽しい。あまりに楽しいので延長して1時間半レッスンをしてもらった。ちなみに先生のYasielはハバナに住んでいるらしく、後日ハバナでもレッスンを受けることになった。
The salsa lesson began at 11o´clock. We started from the basics. It is so fun to dance with people who are good at it, because they make you feel as you are a good dancer. Our teacher Yasiel actually lives in Havana, so we are going to take lessons in Havana too.
We went to the restaurant where they recomended. My friend is a chalenger so she ordered a lobster with coffee butter sauce, which actually turned out to be so delicious.
We were walking around the town when a man came up and took us into this place with a minituar of the whole town of Santiago.
He somewhy started talking about the medical care in Cuba. Cuba is famous for its medical care and many prime ministers or famous actors come secretly to have a surgery here. Now I understand why the people here are so active in their age.
It was a short but very enjoyable visit to Santiago.
Now we are heading to Trinidad. The bus is so cold and I hope I don´t get frozen.
Casa Cele
Calle 3 #51
Angel Luis Salazar y A. Reparto Sueño
Santiago de Cuba