6/25 Sat
Daoの友人、Coach Estillが我々を迎えにきてくれた。なんと朝4時に家を出て車で5時間かけてきてくれた。ありがたい。
Dao's friend, Coach Estill came to pick us up. He left his house at 4AM and drived for 5 hours here!
朝のRedwoodsはとっても気持ちいい!荷物を全て車に積み込み、Advenue of the Giants を空荷で走る。かる〜い!軽すぎてフラフラする。
Beautiful morning. We put all our luggage in the van, and biked through the Advenue of the Giants without any gear! Light!! So light that I was even wobbling.
We found a grocery store at a small town and got lunch. Dao bought a whole chicken again. It's his fifth or sixth whole chicken on this trip. He feeds us so well. Thank you :)
帰りは川に飛び込む。チョー気持ちいいー!!昨日シャワー浴びられなかったからなおさら。 よく見ると20-30匹のニジマスの大群が足元を泳いでいてDaoと大興奮。お腹が空いてたら間違いなく食べていただろうけど、チキンでお腹がいっぱいだったので見逃した。
We dipped into the river. It was sooo refreshing! Especially because we couldn't take a shower yesterday. Dao and I were so excited to see 20 to 30 rainbow trouts swimming around our feet! I was too full with the whole chicken, or otherwise I am quite sure that I would have caught the trouts.
Redwoodsを後にし、車でワープ。車(ともちろんCoach EstillとDao!)のおかげで5日かかるであろうところをわずか4時間で到着。
We left the Redwoods and drove down the highway. Thanks to the cars, (and Coach Estill and Dao indeed!) it only took few hours where it should have took several days on bike.
I said goodbye to everyone, and biked few miles to my goal. I didn't expect the steepest hill here.
And finally, I arrived to the Areton's. They used to host me and my family 20years ago, when I was a kid. I am so thankful that they warmly welcomed me to stay at their house again. I was happy to see them well and lovely as they were.
ちなみにこちらが20年前のお写真です。 20 years ago...
So I am staying here in Marin now. I'm hanging out enjoying "American life" here. Also sometimes visiting the Bay Area.
今後の予定 My schedule
7/19-21 Yosemite!!
7/23- ロスに向けて漕ぎ出す Start biking down to LA
8/6 ロスからペルーに飛ぶ fly from LA to Peru