20年ぶりにMarin Countyに帰ってきた。わたしが住んでいたFairfax&San Anselmo界隈は記憶の中では森!というイメージだったのだけど、元ヒッピータウンということもあり、オーガニックなお店や自転車やさんがたくさんあるかわいらしい町である。
I’m back in the Marin for the first time in 20 years! The town Fairfax & San Anselmo, which I used to live, was a “forest” in my memory, but it’s actually a cute little town with many organic stores and bike shops.
1969年からMarinのオーガニックカルチャーを先導してきた老舗。食品から雑貨、日用品まですべてのものがオーガニックかつ極力ローカル。はじめは小さな店だったが、2012年に現在の規模になった。MarinをGMO freeにし、学校給食を改善するなど今も地域の中核となり、オーガニックコミュニティを作り上げている。100%再生可能エネルギーで、うち36%は店の屋根の太陽光発電でまかなっている。
Leading the organic culture growth since 1969. They have everything from food to commodity products, and everything is organic and most are also local. It used to be a small store, but it grew to its size on 2012. They are the leaders of the Marin organic community, devocated in “keep Marin GMO free” movement, and the school lunch projects. They use 100% renewable energy, and 36% comes from the solar panels on their roof.
Fairfax Scoop
オーガニックアイスクリーム店。 小さなお店だが、休日は店の外まで行列ができる。シングルは2フレーバー選べて$2.95。
They make excellent organic ice creams and always a long line on weekends. Yum!!
ここFairfaxはマウンテンバイク発祥の地らしい。自転車乗りのメッカと呼ばれるSunshine bicycleやMarin Bicycle Museumもある。
Mountain bikes were born here in Fairfax. There is a famous bike shop called Sunshine bicycle, and also the Marin Bicycle Museum.
There was a bike from 150 years ago that you can still ride! The pedals and wheels move together, so there was a “cradle” to keep your feet on downhills.
My host family often hold BBQ parties. Everyone enjoyes eating, swimming, and singing.
7月4日はアメリカ人にとっては特別な日。 国中が星条旗の三色に染められ、あちこちでパレードや花火があり、お祭りムードに。
4th of July is a special day for Americans. Everything is colored by the Stars and Stripes.
Everything is ranked in the Marin County fair.
全く食欲をそそらないケーキ cake that loses your appetite
野菜を使ったアート vegetable art
ウサギやニワトリも順位をつけられる rabbits and chicken are also ranked
I visited the school I went and the apartment I used to live.
It was such a huge world in my memory, but looking at it now, it’s actually very small.