Today's campsite was great. In the forest, no one else. All the showers and bathrooms were closed, but there was a nice river running in the middle. It's just nice to hear the sound of water flowing, because all the "Rio" in the desert are always dry.
I went into the river to bathe. It was super cold but refreshing.
When I'm alone, I'm lazy to cook so I usually eat just fruits and bread, but today I felt so good that I cooked corn cream stew.
Two cyclists from Buenos Aires came. They are traveling around here for two weeks.
At night, I enjoyed drinking wine and playing music with ukulele and my nose flute. I was happy that they told me my Spanish is good. And it's fun to have accompany.
The next morning, I was climbing up a hill. All the way from 1000m to 1900m. It took me more than 3 hours to go 10km.
Than a car stopped in front of me.
"Do you want a ride?"he asked.
I heard two voices fighting inside me.
"Yay! Lucky!! Let's get a ride!!" said one.
"We came so far, so let's try a bit more. You won't feel satisfied if you cheat now." said the other.
And I ... got a ride...
I felt so guilty about it. I cheated again... I'm always like this.
そんなこんなでVilla Uniónという町に着く。シエスタタイムで閑散としている。シエスタっていいなあと思っていたけど、昼から夕方までスーパーも含めすべての店が閉まるので、旅行者にとっては不便極まりない。キャンプ場も閉まっていた。まあでもこれぐらいのゆるさ、寛容さがいいのかもしれないな。
I arrived to Villa Unión, but all the stores and even the campsite was closed for ciesta time. I always thought it was a nice system, but it's pretty much inconvenient for travelers. I wonder what happens if we adopt this system in Japan.