4/8 Sat
I slept fairly well today. I came to the coast, but the Mexican gulf is not as pretty as the Caribean sea. But the temperature has become much better.
i went into a nice restaurant with an ocean view. I ordered Chilaquiles, which is tortilla chips covered with sauce, but it came with more chips.
I arrived to Champoton, where I found a restaurant full with people. I ordered a cocktail and it was way more delicious than the one I had yesterday.
After 20k, I found a nice spot just in front of the sea. This is my hotel for tonight.
Its so nice to have a cool breeze. And the beer is great.
4/9 Sun
45k to Campeche. Yucatan is so flat and boring that I'm starting to appreciate small hills.
途中でお腹が空いたので屋台でPollo Asado を頼んだら大量であやうく食べきれないかと思った。わたしとしたことが。
I ordered Pollo Asado and was surprised to find myself so full.
I arrived to Campeche before noon. Omar's friend Ruth and her husband Hermes came to pick me up.
We went to the centro to have lunch. Very sweet people and nice food.
They showed me around the town. Campeche is surrounded by a wall, and the water used to be just in front of the wall.
we went into few museums.
At dinner, they took me to a different restaurant. It was the last day of Semana Santa, and it was packed with people. Panuchos are typical food here in Yucatan. It looks like tacos but it's more tasty. I can't tell the difference between panuchos and salbutes. Mexican food is so confusing.
I had the best Horchata here.
翌日もメルカドでPanuchosを食べた。ユカタン名物Relleno negro(真っ黒なカレーみたいな料理)味を食べた。これがとってもおいしいのなんの。
The next day we went to the mercado and had some panuchos again. This time I ordered relleno negro. It's so good.
スパイス屋さんでRelleno negroの素(カレーのルーみたいなもの)を買ったので、日本に帰ったら作ってみたい。特にここカンペチェのメルカドにあるこのお店のRelleno negroはわざわざ遠くから買いに来る人もいるぐらいおいしいらしいので、作るのがたのしみだ。
A famous store where they sell condiments.
I wanted to thank them so I decided to cook Japanese food for them.
At night, we went to a cafe where they have many kinds of games. We played a game to guess what word you have on your head, by asking questions. It was very fun and also good for practicing my Spanish.
We also played other games. Trying to pull out the stick without dropping the monkeys.
It's a very nice way to communicate because we can enjoy it together even if we don't have a common language.
So I ended up staying three nights in Campeche. Ruth's son loves Japan, so I wrote his name in Japanese, and left a Japanese caligraphy pen for him. I was happy to see that he really enjoyed practicing it. I hope I see him one day when he comes to Japan.